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Disinfection of air and surfaces by UV-C radiation and ozone

Disinfection of air and surfaces by UV-C radiation and ozone


While UV-C radiation kills only the directly irradiated microorganisms in the air, an effective disinfection of surfaces, e.g. in production plants, refrigeration and storage facilities as well as the air is possible with the combined use of UV-C radiation and ozone, which can directly be irradiated. The gaseous ozone reached also places where mechanical cleaning operations not or insufficiently access (cable carriers, cracks, bases of machines, etc.). Ozone eliminates also reliably strong odors, such as in public toilets and garbage rooms, and can be applied anywhere, where direct UV-C radiation must be avoided.  

Universal hygiene in food production and storage

By the rising demands on hygiene in the food industry wins the Elimination of microorganisms such as bacteria, fungi and viruses by UV-C light and ozone base minimizes production losses, increases quality and extends the shelf life of food, protects from diseases and can be used in the entire production process. Ideal for industries as well as for bakeries, abattoirs, refrigeration and storage rooms, etc.